Thursday, October 14, 2010

46 Days to Go - CRAZY!

30 Weeks - Drive through the Rockies to See the Changing Aspen Leaves

It's been a long time since our last update; since Mike started back to school, there are a lot more responsibilities that I am trying to take care of! He has been super busy, so I am doing a lot more around the house and taking care of the pups and such. I am even - get this - COOKING! Occasionally. I think I've put together 2 meals without Mike taking over, and one of those meals burned. But I've been thinking about cooking more! It's fun. Kinda. Normally I end up as the prep cook for Mike's meals, but I'm getting a hang of things. Must be the motherly nesting, eh?

I hit 33 weeks this past Monday. It's funny when I look at what I said was my "huge, round belly" in posts below. I couldn't have imagined it getting bigger - yet here I am! I am still feeling good; I'm exercising and keeping up with things at work. It's kind of exciting because I started interviewing my maternity replacement this week! It's crazy to think that I'll be training someone soon to take over. My last day at work is scheduled for Wednesday, November 24th - the day before Thanksgiving and 5 days before my due date. Mom also gets into town that night. She's scheduled to be here from the 24th to the 3rd of December hoping that she would be here for the birth. Of course, after we booked her flight, my midwife told me not to expect the baby for 10-12 days after my due date. Great! So Mom will be here, I'll be on maternity leave already, and no baby? We'll see. We are hoping for the best, but prepared for a 2 week late baby. Mike is actually hoping for a later baby since his finals week at school is the week of Dec 13th, but I say no thanks. Mike's mom is coming to town on December 3rd (almost passing my mom at the airport) and staying for 10 days. Wouldn't that be a hoot if both moms came and missed the baby completely? :(

In September, I went home for my first ever baby shower! It was so fun to see all the ladies of the family and my Augie friends. Mike couldn't come because of school and work, and I didn't get to see Joel or my nephews, but it was a nice quiet weekend with my parents which was actually a nice change of pace. Plus, we got to watch a Gator game together while I was home (and we actually won that one)!

Next weekend, Heather & Sarah are hosting another shower for both Mike & me here in Denver. I'm so excited - it's a co-ed halloween themed shower/party. :) Also, Summar and her family are coming to town as well as Amanda from NYC so it's going to be a lot of awesome people getting together for probably the last time before we are parents. Weird!

I was able to capture the baby's movement on a quick video around week 29! You may not be able to see him, but he's there swimming around. :)


  1. Oh my gosh!! Isn't that the most amazing feeling ever. Seeing that brought tears to my eyes. Love you and you are going to be one of the best mommy's ever.

  2. Summees! THAT just brought tears to my eyes!
