Monday, November 29, 2010


Well, here we are: 40 weeks! Just got back from my appointment, and not really anything to report. I'm a fingertip dilated but baby's head is way down low, so no telling what could happen. We are assuming that it is going to be a while- like... many days. But technically, it could be anytime.

Mom is here, and today we are planning on cooking and freezing some meals to try and keep our minds off of things. Mom leaves this Saturday so we still have a bit of a window for him to make it before she leaves, but we certainly aren't banking on it!

Thanks for everyone's support and love. We will certainly keep you all updated on any changes.


  1. Take lots of walks, hopefully that will stimulate some contractions. Good luck!

  2. Aww... I am getting a little teary eyed knowing that this is probably your last pre-baby post. You'll will look back on these with such a warmth and longing in your heart.... ♥
    Love y'all!! xoxoxoxo

  3. Michele you are so sweet. All I wanted to say was, where is that baby???
