Since then, every time baby kicks, I make Mike feel it. It seems every waking moment I am putting Mike’s palm on my belly because this baby is now moving all over the place! I love it.
We just got back from Florida where we had a great time with friends and family - we got to meet a bunch of babies for the first time and they all left me more excited about getting our turn with our own. They were all sooo sweet and cuddly and squishy and lovey! I thought I would be super nervous with my first little one but I was totally impressed and surprised at how laid back my new mommy n daddy friends were about everything. It doesn't have to be as scary as I have it in my head! YAY!
The belly has been quickly and steadily growing – it is quite round and pokey. People tell me I am carrying “out front", I’m just still learning what that means, if anything! I hope my back can support a big baby though, because I learned this weekend that my brother was over 9 lbs and I was about 8 ½. Yipes! The baby is only about 10 oz. right now and I already feel like I am carrying quite a watermelon. Hopefully the yoga and stretching will keep me in shape to carry and birth this potentially large Swanpenter baby.
We find out the sex of the baby in 5 days! I can’t believe it. I think most people are thinking girl. I’m keeping a mental tally, so if you have a vote let me know!! I have a strong feeling that it is a boy, but of course will be SO excited for a girl. I’m just worried how much shopping I would do, really...
Next update: It’s a _____ !